Our vision.
"The value of the artworks the company has purchased this year is forecast to exceed $38.5 mn, more than doubled from last year." - from Kedglobal
- Yeolmae Company, a South Korean startup founded in 2016, has emerged as a disruptive force in the art market by democratizing access to high-value artworks through its platform ArtnGuide. By leveraging blockchain technology and fractional ownership models, the company enables retail investors to co-purchase blue-chip artworks, historically reserved for ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
- ArtnGuide has been very successful in its initial phase, establishing the company's reputation and building trust with customers. Therefore, our next step is to develop ArtnPrice Pro, a platform that allows individuals and companies to auction their artwork and paintings.
- Unlike the primary market, where prices are typically set by the artist or gallery, the secondary market operates based on demand, previous auction results, and collector interest. Some artworks appreciate in value over time, making the secondary market crucial for investment-driven collectors.

Our scope.
(key features)
- ArtnPrice Pro is transforming the way people discover, buy, and engage with art. As a leading online marketplace, we connect collectors, galleries, and artists worldwide—making the art world more accessible and transparent. Whether you're an art enthusiast, a seasoned collector, or a first-time buyer, ArtnPrice Pro provides a seamless experience with innovative tools and expert insights. Below are the key features that make ArtnPrice Pro the ultimate platform for discovering and acquiring art:
Users register to sell their artworks
Buyers counter offer
Artwork market
Sale management
Purchase management

Diagrams serve as a critical tool in our system, offering clarity, efficiency, and transparency to both users and internal operations
Selling and purchasing artwork can be a complex process, often filled with uncertainty, inconsistent pricing, and logistical challenges. Our platform simplifies this journey by providing a structured, transparent, and efficient system that benefits both artists and collectors.
The following diagrams illustrate how our solution optimizes the entire artwork transaction lifecycle—from listing an artwork to successful delivery—ensuring a seamless experience for all users. Through automation, clear status tracking, and secure payment processing, we empower sellers to confidently list their artworks while providing buyers with a smooth and reliable purchasing experience.
Status Diagram

Status diagram represents the artwork listing lifecycle on a marketplace platform.
Artwork Selling Workflow: From Registration to Listing

This workflow diagram represents the step-by-step process for artists or sellers to register and list their artwork for sale on our platform. The diagram maps out the entire journey—from selecting an artist to final approval—ensuring a smooth and structured experience for sellers.
What This Diagram Represents
The flowchart details both the seller-side interactions (left section in blue) and the admin-side verification process (right section in purple). It visualizes the following key steps:
- Seller Onboarding & Artwork Submission
Sellers input necessary details, upload images/documents, and select a sale type.
- Price Estimation & Validation
The system checks estimated price ranges, and admins review the provided details.
- Logistics & Payment Confirmation
Sellers confirm delivery methods and payment details.
- Admin Review & Approval
Admins verify the artwork’s condition, negotiate prices (if needed), and approve the listing.

Our Result.
Present all main pages
01. Onboarding
Introduce the platform, explain how to register, and get started with your first artwork listing

02. Register
Create an account, input artwork details, and submit for approval
- Personal account
- Business account

Register for Personal Account

Register for Business Account
03. Home & Market
Browse artwork, view sales, and search for artists and artworks

04. My Sales
Review and manage your sales
Main my sales page
View all sales and select actions

Draft/Pending/Listing artwork status
Review the status of a draft or pending or listing and take action
- Draft: displays artworks that are being registered but haven't completed the process
- Pending: displays artworks that have been registered but not yet approved by the admin
- Listing: displays artworks approved and listed on the market

In Progress/Holding/Delivering artwork status
Review the status of in progress or holding or delivering and take action
- In Progress: displays artworks where a buyer has initiated a purchase (Tap to button deposit/Buy now)
- Holding: displays artworks with a pending full payment from the buyer
- Delivering: displays artworks where payment is complete, but the delivery method is not determined

Completed/Expired/Cancled artwork status
Review the status of a draft or pending or listing and take action
- Completed: displays artworks where the buyer has confirmed receipt
- Expired: displays artworks with expired listings
- Cancled: displays artworks where the listing was canceled by the user

All actions when user hits Select Action in Offer History
Review the options when a seller selects an action in the offer history
- Yes, I will receive it: seller accepts an offer from Buyer
- Counter Offer: seller makes a counter offer for Buyer
- No, I decline: seller rejects an offer from Buyer

05. Register to Sell
Input artwork details, and submit for approval
Enter general information
Fill in the required fields, upload images, and provide additional details about the artwork

Enter target selling price
Set the desired selling price, and provide additional information about the artwork

Seller selects handover method to delivery artworks to ArtnPrice Pro
Seller chooses the method for handing over the artwork to ArtnPrice Pro

Confirm registration info and set hide/show artwork info
Review the information, set visibility options, and submit for approval

06. Counter Offer
Review and respond to buyer's counter offer
Request to disclose info
Review the buyer's request to disclose additional information

[Buyer Offers] and [Seller rejects] offer
Seller reviews the buyer's offer and responds with a rejection

[Seller approves] offer and [Buyer deposits]
Seller accepts the buyer's offer and the buyer deposits the payment

[Seller proposes] another offer to Buyer
Seller reviews the buyer's offer and respond with a counter offer

[Buyer adjusts] the offer of Seller
Buyer reviews the seller's offer and responds with an adjustment

[Buyer accepts] and deposits for Seller
Buyer accepts the seller's offer and deposits the payment

Buyer complete full payment to Seller
Buyer completes the full payment and the transaction is finalized

07. My Purchase
Review and manage your purchases

Buyer select handover method to receive artworks
Choose the method for receiving the artwork from the seller